Split Screen - 16:9 HD

Split Screen - 16:9 HD


When editing video, it is sometimes useful to split the screen into two halves, showing something in one half, something else in the other half. For example, one might want to show some original video in the left half, and the same video with some effect applied in the right half. Video editors often allow us to use a mask, whereby a white portion of the mask allows to show one track and the black one another track. This is such a mask for any size video having the 16:9 width-to-height ratio. Because this is SVG, you can export it to a bitmap of suitable size, for example 1920x1080 for HD or 3840x2160 for UHD (4k) and use that as the mask.


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Date: 29/05/2020

No. of downloads: 51

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SVG ID: 137354