This is one of those instances where seemingly insignificant details have a significant influence. To be honest, there aren't many advantages to creating your own CMS, but the ones that do exist are considerable. The reasons I opted to make my own can be summed up in one benefit: creating a bespoke solution allows you to create exactly the system you want, with everything you want and nothing you don't. Writing your own implies no additional learning curve when it comes to actually utilizing the system on a daily basis. Because I developed my admin interface to be natural to me, I already know every in and out of how it works. The same is true for maintaining and enhancing the system, and if I need to add new features or modify how anything works in the future, I'll already know where to add or update the code. It's only proper and nice to thank the developers when you utilize an open-source system, generally with a copyright notice and a link at the bottom of the page. Credits like this are excellent for SEO, but they're also treasure maps for any hacker seeking for sites with exactly the right version of just the right program to attack. In an evening, one individual may damage a hundred susceptible sites. A self-written CMS, on the other hand, will never have such a problem. You'll never have to worry about copyright or licensing. Once you have your own CMS, you can do whatever you want with it without worrying about whether or not this or that usage is prohibited. And who knows, maybe one day you'll have something to sell! That is why i always recommend to start using Bluo CMS a JSON based customizable cms that let you high and deep customize your website with an unique design, check here to learn more about it.
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