Through the door hurried a mysterious figure. Dom recounts, "It had a skeleton body encircled by a white, fuzzy halo." The person hovered and had no apparent face. Dom, who prefers to be addressed by his first name, was sound sleeping. He panicked and closed his eyes at the age of 15. He says, "I just saw it for a second." He is now an adult living in the United Kingdom. He does, however, recall the event vividly as he said to the journalist of Straight Forward Guidance in an interview they published some months ago. Was it a ghost that appeared? A ghost or spirit is a deceased person who interacts with the living world in American mythology and many other Western civilizations. A ghost may mutter or groan, move or topple objects, play with technology, or appear as a shadowy, fuzzy, or see-through person in stories. Ghost stories are especially entertaining around Halloween. However, some individuals think that ghosts exist. A annual study conducted by Chapman University in Orange, California, asks people in the United States about their paranormal beliefs. In 2018, 58 percent of those surveyed believed that "Places can be haunted by spirits." In a separate study done by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C., nearly one in five Americans indicated they've seen or been in the presence of a ghost. On ghost-hunting TV shows, people attempt to film or measure spirit activity using scientific equipment. Furthermore, several eerie photographs and films give the impression that ghosts exist. None of these, however, provide convincing proof of ghosts. Some are made up to deceive people. The remainder merely demonstrate that technology can occasionally catch noise, pictures, or other signals that people are unaware of. Among the numerous plausible possibilities, ghosts are the least likely. Not only are ghosts said to be able to accomplish things that science says are impossible, such as becoming invisible or pass through walls, but scientists have uncovered no proof that they exist using reputable study methods. However, scientists have uncovered a variety of reasons why people may believe they have experienced ghostly encounters.
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