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Minnesota Electronic Library


With the help of the eLibrary of Minnesota (ELM), citizens of Minnesota may read articles from publications, journals as well as encyclopedias and other information resources. Whether you're looking for knowledge on the arts and humanities, careers, exam prep, health, science, social science, or politics, ELM has you covered. A basic set of database resources as well as full-text articles from periodicals and newspapers and other resources are all available to children, parents, teachers, and other inhabitants of the state via ELM. ELM materials may be accessed through electronic portals. Investment in electronic databases guarantees that all students have equal access to a broad variety of electronic resources to help them satisfy educational requirements. TheELM Portal's Goalselm4you.org is the new URL for the ELM site and is currently active. With the new gateway, we hoped to make it easier to get the information we needed with fewer clicks. It was easier to accomplish this aim by focusing the gateway on serving as a discovery tool. Several popular elements from the previous site have been carried over to the new one, including Find a Publication, Topic Search, and Grade Level Breakout from relevant databases (which is located under the Student Research button). All of ELM's products have been upgraded. To better match the contemporary language and Minitex's other applications, eLibraryMN (same abbreviation) has been renamed and has a new logo and color palette. Visitors will be directed to the new portal via the new URL, elibrarymn.org, while visitors to the previous portal, elm4you.org, will be sent to the new URL. There will be a "Try out the New Portal!" button on the old portal. New ELM Portal Database Links to Consider Your connections to ELM resources through elm4you.org may no longer work, since the domain and URL have been updated. There is a new URL for all of the materials, which starts with "www.elibrarymn.org/conten... " As a result of the introduction of Featured Resources, we are now able to draw attention to certain resources inside our software package. People will be able to discover materials that are both well-known and obscure, which they can then experiment with and learn more about. Here are the final remarks. In order to further assist librarians in providing ELM resource access, the ELM Learning Center has undergone a thorough overhaul. In addition, the database manuals and tutorials have been revised to reflect these changes. To the best of our ability, we've covered all you need to know about ELM's upcoming relaunch.




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