Lantefissa è un elemento della copertura dei tetti posto sulla testata delle travi del tetto o a occlusione dei canali terminali delle tegole negli edifici greci, etruschi e romani. In legno o terracotta, lantefissa può avere forma di palmetta, di testa umana, di Gorgone ecc. An antefix (from Latin antefigere, to fasten before) is a vertical block which terminates the covering tiles of the roof of a tiled roof. In grand buildings the face of each stone ante-fix was richly carved, often with the anthemion ornament. In less grand buildings moulded ceramic ante-fixae, usually terracotta, might be decorated with figures or other ornament, especially in the Greek, Etruscan and Roman period. By this time they were found on many large buildings, including private houses.
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