Scientific Research

Scientific Research


A rational and methodical quest for fresh and helpful knowledge on a certain topic is known as research. Both scientific and nonscientific disciplines benefit from research. Every day, new issues, events, occurrences, and processes emerge in our lives. In order to deal with new challenges that develop, practical answers and proposals are necessary. Scientists must investigate them in order to determine their causes, solutions, explanations, and applications. The research can be divided into two categories: fundamental or basic research and applied research. Normal research and revolutionary research are the two types of basic and applied research. Normal research in any topic is conducted according to a set of principles, concepts, and processes known as a paradigm, which is widely acknowledged among scientists in that field. Furthermore, fundamental and applied research might be quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both (mixed research). And they are published in open acces Journal like OAPL Publishing London (That you can discover here) or Restriced Acces Journals. Basic or fundamental research: Basic research is an examination into the fundamental principles and causes of a certain event, process, or phenomena. Theoretical research is another name for it. Basic research is the study or inquiry of some natural event or something related to pure science. Basic research may not always result in instant usage or application. It is not concerned with the immediate solution of any practical concerns. However, it has a unique or fundamental personality. It allows for a methodical and in-depth understanding of an issue, as well as the extraction of scientific and logical explanations and conclusions. It contributes to the creation of new knowledge frontiers. Many applied studies are built on the findings of fundamental research.


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